Broccoli Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

by vitafenix

Broccoli Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Broccoli is a vegetable categorized in the cabbage family. It is a food whose consumption has increased in recent years with the understanding of its nutritional value. Broccoli is considered beneficial for human health thanks to some phytochemical and bioactive compounds it contains. It helps to remove toxic compounds from the body, prevents cell damage, and strengthen the immune system with its protective effect against diseases.

Sulforaphane, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of sulfur and sugar compounds called glucosinolate, is protective against various diseases. In recent years, sulforaphane has been known to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer, especially due to its antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Broccoli, which has been the subject of various studies, plays a role in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and also breast and prostate cancer. The broccoli flowers, which constitute approximately 30% of broccoli, are the part mostly used in meals. Less commonly used leaves and stems are also significant source of phytochemicals.

What Vitamins and Nutritions Are in Broccoli?

Broccoli is a food with high nutritional value and contains high amounts of vitamins, antioxidants and anticarcinogenic nutrients. With the antioxidant properties of broccoli, harmful free radicals formed in the body are neutralized and cells are protected from damage. Broccoli is a vegetable that helps prevent cancerous cell formation. Vitamins contained in broccoli includes:

  • Vitamin E (α-tocopherol)
  • Vitamin A (β-carotene)
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • Folic acid/folate (vitamin B9)
  • Vitamin K
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)

In addition to these vitamins, broccoli also contains small amounts of vitamins D, B5 and B12. The amount of vitamin C in broccoli is higher than any other cabbage group vegetables. Broccoli also contains the highest amount of vitamins A and E after leaf cabbage. In addition, broccoli is one of the vegetables containing the highest levels of folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin that plays a role in many metabolic events in the body including DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. Especially during pregnancy, the mother's use of supplements is important for the development of the babies. Taking folic acid to prevent neural development disorders that may occur during the baby's arrival period is recommended. In addition to vitamins, broccoli contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc and selenium.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the ideal foods for improving general health with its vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidant and anticarcinogenic compounds. The sulfur compound called "sulforaphane" found in broccoli is effective against various diseases, especially cancer. Some diseases that consumption of broccoli can help include:

  • Diabetes: The dietary fiber and sulforaphane it contains can help lower blood sugar. It especially helps improve obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • Cancer: Sulforaphane and other components, a bioactive compound that reduces cell damage, help prevent the formation of cancerous cells in the body.
  • Osteoarthritis: Sulforaphane and other ingredients may help slow the development of osteoarthritis by playing a role in inter-joint cartilage health.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: With the help of antioxidants such as carotenoids and fiber it contains, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by improving blood cholesterol levels and contributes to strengthening the immune system.
  • Schizophrenia: Although there is not enough and conclusive evidence, high levels of sulforaphane may change the levels of the chemical in the brain.

Broccoli, which has a great place in a healthy diet, may have a direct or indirect role in the healing of many diseases. However, if you have some health problems or are taking medications such as blood thinners, you should first consult your doctor.

What Are The Benefits of Broccoli Juice?

Some people may prefer to consume broccoli juice instead of the broccoli vegetable itself. Broccoli preserves its nutritional value unless it is boiled for a long time and no additional additives are added. Broccoli juice is digested and metabolized faster. Some of broccoli juice benefits are:

  • The iron mineral used in the production of red blood cells in the body is present in broccoli. Broccoli helps increasing red blood cell production and thus oxygen transport in the blood.
  • Broccoli, a rich source of folic acid, contains nutrients that help DNA production and plays an important role in development. Additionally, broccoli juice can protect the liver from the risk of infection and disease.
  • Broccoli juice contains antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cancer. Broccoli juice provides sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, E and B, and provides nutrients that can reduce the risk of cancer with regular consumption.
  • To stop bleeding in the body and prevent blood loss, clotting factors in the blood are very important. Broccoli juice containing vitamin K can accelerate the healing of cuts and wounds on the body.
  • Because broccoli juice contains calcium, it can be a good source of nutrition for those who have difficulty consuming milk and dairy products. Calcium is a mineral necessary for maintaining bone, teeth and muscle health. Broccoli consumption may help lower the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.
  • Another antioxidant compound found in broccoli juice is manganese. Broccoli juice with manganese helps protect the body against damage from toxic compounds and can improve cellular metabolism. In addition, it contributes to the processing of proteins and carbohydrates.

What are the benefits of boiled broccoli juice?

Various cooking methods make it easier to consume vegetables. Some cooking methods can cause loss of vitamins and minerals in foods. Therefore, the necessary nutrients are not completely met. Cooking methods affect the content of beneficial compounds found in broccoli, such as vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids and glucosinolates.

Boiling in water, among the cooking methods, causes significant loss of nutrients in broccoli. On the other hand, no nutritional loss occurs with steaming and the amount of bioactive compounds are not affected. Vitamin C is largely lost in cooking processes other than steaming (boiling, frying, microwave). 13-28% of caretenoids are being lost during boiling and frying. Total glucosinolate content is lost by 41-60% during boiling, frying and microwaving. On the other hand, nutrient loss is minimal with steaming and it is a cooking method that is considered healthy compared to others.

In addition to the cooking method, cooking time also affects nutrient loss. With short-term cooking, the compounds found in broccoli are transformed into useful metabolites. However, cooking for a long time and at high temperatures does not convert these compounds into useful metabolites.

What are the Benefits of Broccoli Soup?

Broccoli is an food that can be used in a variety of side dishes, appetizers and soups. Broccoli, which has high nutritional value, contains fiber and carbohydrates. Dietary fiber, which has an important role in intestinal health, helps digestion and prevents constipation. Broccoli soup provides satiety and can prevent overeating. It helps maintain blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It has a protective role against diseases with its antioxidant content. It contributes to strengthening the immune system.

In order to reduce some vitamin and mineral losses during cooking, care should be taken when cooking at high temperatures for a long time. Care should be taken to ensure that the broccoli is not too hard, thick and yellow in colour.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Benefits of Broccoli

Although broccoli is a vegetable that is beneficial for health, in some cases it can have negative effects on the body when consumed in excess. In case of illness and medication use, consult your doctor first.

Can broccoli cause blood clotting?

Since broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin K, it contributes to the body's blood clotting mechanism. Although blood clotting is a necessary activity for the body, it can be dangerous in some cases. If you are using blood thinners and consuming more broccoli than usual, consult your doctor first as broccoli and medication may interact.

Is broccoli good for renal diseases?

Since broccoli contains phosphorus and potassium minerals, it may need to be restricted in the diet of people with kidney diseases. Kidney and dialysis patients should definitely consult a doctor as consuming broccoli can be dangerous.

Broccoli and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS)

Broccoli can cause bloating problems because it contains gas-forming sulfur compounds. Broccoli may cause gas production in intestinal and gas problems such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS). Instead of completely eliminating it from your diet, you can consume a limited amount of broccoli.